miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008


I said that someday I would write on English because I wanted that somebody, whom I love a lot, get along well and I did not found better day than today.


1 year, and even I can remember each second, 1 year and I smile every time that I think about our hotel's door. It has been a very especial year, with thousands of minutes in Internet, with many journeys, learning a lot one of the other, with difficult circumstances; 1 year learning English, 1 year with January, March, May, July and September....

Today, while i walked to a side to other, waiting that you call me or you send some message, thought about in the good luck that I had when i met you .

As you know, I am doing a thing that make me happy.
I miss you, very much, but my work here is very nice; Every day there are special’s things, every day there is something that remembers me that to be alive, to have people whom love us is the most important that you can have, every day I found something that repit me the good luck that I have...Very seemed, and I go back to repeat it, to the luck that I had when I met you.
Sometimes the dreams become reality do you remember?

1 comentario:

visiones encontradas dijo...

Recuerda eso de X años o días o lo que sea... mucho por vivir, mucho por amar, mucho por seguir soñando...

Que conste que te echamos mucho, mucho, mucho de menos ;)